"Mashvisor provides real estate analytics and predictive analytics for investment properties.
You can find the average rental income and cash on cash return in each neighborhood. Part of the data is comparative which means it's based on what other existing properties are making in revenue and how their revenue correlates to the property type.
You'll be able to see the predicted cash flow, cash on cash return, income, expenses, etc. for each listing.
Take a look at The Use of Predictive Analytics in Real Estate Investing
1. Search a Location
If you have a location in mind, search it on Mashvisor by city or neighborhood. You’ll be able to see how many listings are in a neighborhood. If you’re not sure which neighborhood to start viewing, look at the Mashmeter score, which is based on quantitative and qualitative analysis and some Mashvisor science. Click on a neighborhood and begin exploring listings.
2. Pick a Neighborhood and View Listings
The listings that appear give you an immediate comparison between the traditional strategy and Airbnbstrategy by calculating the cash on cash (CoC) return and cap rate, so you can determine which strategy is better for that particular listing.
When looking at listings, there are several filters to fine-tune your search. You can play with the mortgage calculator by changing down payment, loan type, and interest rate. Specify the search by selecting aimed CoC return, cap rate, budget, neighborhood, property type details,
3. Click Listing and View Rental Report
In order to understand the investment market in a neighborhood and the potential of existing investment properties, Mashvisor provides data about real existing properties. View traditional and Airbnb properties and their bookings, reviews, descriptions, features, prices, occupancy rates, and more. By looking at this comparative data, you’re understanding what kind of property perform the best and what to focus on when on aproperty search.
If you want to maximize your Airbnb property’s occupancy rates, you can identify the factors needed to do that. The occupancy insights provide the top factors that increase rates, based on number of bedrooms and reviews. Furthermore, it reveals the seasonality trend. If summer is peak-season while other seasons are almost non-existent, an investor might need to consider another location. You can filter average monthly occupancy by occupancy rate goal, property type, or number of bedrooms.
4. The Interactive Investment Analysis
Each report has cost projections which you can make specific to you by entering your own assumptions into the investment property calculator . Play with different costs to get better ideas of cash flow. The analysis takes into account startup costs, monthly costs, and turnover costs to get revenue assumptions.
Once you have entered your cost assumptions, a month by month breakdown of your expenses will be generated automatically. This eliminates the need to create your own spreadsheet. This not only helps prepare for your monthly budget, but estimates the timeline of the return on the investment.
5. Your Optimal Property
Based on the analysis of the neighborhood and property performances, the optimal property type and rental strategy are reported. The property type, number of bedrooms, and rental strategy appear as a summary as your best advised investment strategy. Take a look at the example below. This means a 2-bedroom flat listed on Airbnb in the listed neighborhood will provide the highest returns."