Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Ministry leader lifted by hope following damage to camp that welcomes Ukrainian orphans

Ministry leader lifted by hope following damage to camp that welcomes Ukrainian orphans

"The Ukrainian Orphan Project, a program of the Bridges of Faith International Children’s Fund (BOF), introduces children to American culture, and shares with them Alabama life and culture through camping, touring educational sites, teaching settings. Albert Cesare / Advertiser
The gymnatorium at Bridgestone Prayer and Retreat Center in Billingsley collapsed after Tropical Storm Nate came through the region on Saturday, Oct. 14, 2017.(Photo: contributed)

A partly constructed gymnatorium built at Bridges of Faith Prayer and Retreat Center collapsed to the ground after Tropical Storm Nate swept through the region.
Bridges of Faith International, a Millbrook-based ministry that has done mission work in Ukraine since 1995, has sponsored Ukrainian orphans at the retreat center in Billingsley for the past seven years.
Its 5,000-square-foot gymnatorium, a multipurpose building, collapsed on Saturday.
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Tom Benz stands outside the construction of a new building at Bridges of Faith in Billingsley, Ala., on Aug. 11, 2017. The Ukrainian Orphan Project, a program of the Bridges of Faith International Children’s Fund (BOF), introduces children to American culture, and shares with them Alabama life and culture through camping, touring educational sites, teaching settings and visiting homes and families. (Photo: Albert Cesare / Advertiser)
"This was a devastating, staggering blow," said Tom Benz, the ministry's founder. "I really think that this thing that is so terrible will be a wonderful blessing. Some people are hearing about us for the first time, and it has awakened people who already know about us."
The ministry seeks three things: prayer, Benz said, volunteers, and also financial assistance to help replace materials that could not be salvaged. That total comes to about $40,000.
"We were at the most vulnerable time because we hadn't poured concrete to hold the posts down," Benz said. "The wind lifted it up and when it came down, it just collapsed. The overwhelming majority of the material is salvageable and reusable. As we continue to get the word out, I think the swell will continue to rise."
The ministry originally planned to have the building completed by December. And now Benz does not know if that is possible.
"Of course, we are devastated," he said. "So many people have put so much time, sweat and resources into building a gymnatorium to better serve the orphans and potential families.
"I am calling for as many volunteers to come as can. We need to disassemble the collapsed building. I hope to have this finished very quickly so that we can start the rebuild process.
Can you help?"
If you can volunteer, call 334-221-0385 or email 
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